
標題: "Chinglish" Congee or rice? [打印本頁]

作者: 910reed    時間: 13-2-2010 00:19
標題: "Chinglish" Congee or rice?
本帖最後由 910reed 於 15-2-2010 19:48 編輯

(Revisied version.Thank you 無.話可說 !!)
Before my sharing, do you know what "Chinglish" is?
Yup. This word may be informal. However, it pinpointed our weakness.
That's mean, English in Chinese(Hong Kong style)
Okay, let's start my little sharing (Hope it is short to read!)
Few days ago, I read newspaper which reported an interview of LOUIS CHEUNG

(He is Louis. I am afraid that you don't know his name in English)
When discussing some parents who forced their children to speak in English, Louis said that most of them have Chinglish, for example, when asking the kids prefer to have congee or rice, they just simply say :"Congee or rice?"

So, how to correct this sentence, even "Chinglish"?
My English teacher told us to "think in English" while you write and speak.

This is the end of my little sharing.
If you found any mistakes on above,
please note that down.
Thanks so much!
作者: 無.話可說    時間: 13-2-2010 22:14
plz avoid R-O sentences
作者: 910reed    時間: 13-2-2010 23:10
本帖最後由 910reed 於 13-2-2010 23:17 編輯
plz avoid R-O sentences
無.話可說 發表於 13-2-2010 22:14

may I ask what is RO sentences?
are you talking about Run-on sentence?
作者: 無.話可說    時間: 14-2-2010 10:43
本帖最後由 無.話可說 於 14-2-2010 10:44 編輯

It means Run-on sentences.

This word may be informal, however, it pinpointed our weakness.

It should be "This word may be informal. However, it pinpointed our weakness."
Since the sentence "This word may be informal." is finished, u should use a full stop instead of comma.

He is Louis, I am afraid that you don't know his name in English

Again, it should be "He is Louis. I am afraid that you don't know his name in English."

Also, there are some grammatical errors in ur passage.

Before my sharing, do you know what is "Chinglish"?

It should be "Before my sharing, do you know what "Chinglish" is?
u should note that "what "Chinglish" is" here is a wh-clause.

Finally, plz don't miss a relative pronoun.

Few days ago, I read a newspaper which reported an interview of LOUIS CHEUNG

When discussing some parents who forced their children to speak in English, Louis said that most of them have Chinglish

About Run-on Sentences: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/runons.htm
作者: G12    時間: 14-2-2010 19:34
Though I don't completely understand what you want to express,your sharing is also meaningful to me
作者: 小朋友你好    時間: 15-2-2010 18:58
"Thinking in English" is very difficult for Chinese.......Since the words we read, the language we talk, are Chinese at most time... I think reading more western books  is the best way to improve our English.
作者: 910reed    時間: 15-2-2010 19:36
It means Run-on sentences.

It should be "This word may be informal. However, it pinpointed our wea ...
無.話可說 發表於 14-2-2010 10:43

Thanks for your sharing. It is meaningful for me.
I never heard Run-On sentences before and no one proof-read my words.

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